To: Transport Industry Operators

Without even knowing, we have published including this one 200 issues of the Chans Advice.  As this is a monthly bulletin, 100 issues took more than 8 years and 200 issues took 17 years to run.

We must express our heartfelt thanks to the SMIC clients and friends.  Without their support we would not have been encouraged to write monthly and continuously.

This newsletter on multi-modal liability issues has been in circulation non-stop for the last 17 years since the two Chans debuted in the millennium.  Many asked why most of our peers do not but SMIC continues its monthly publication.   The Chans Advice is popular among its readership because it enhances awareness of multi-modal operators to important legal issues affecting their risk exposure. The Chans Advices are legal issues made simple for discerning transport operators who care about long term sustainable operations by continuous initiatives on loss prevention.

Knowledge in any discipline is difficult to come by except by accumulation.  Knowledge is yours only when it is acquired by using your eyes, ears, heart, and hand, as said by a Chinese scholar Hu Shih. (胡適談讀書:眼到、口到、心到、手到)

Transport claims handling and loss prevention knowledge are of no exception. It can only be acquired through accumulation.  At SMIC, we read as many good transport legal cases as we possibly can; we listen to various top legal expert opinions;  we put together knowledge from various sources and analyze them by heart; finally, we put them to test by authority (published court judgments) and in combination with practical situations when we handle claim cases in the thousands.

Whilst the Chans Advice provides reference materials to the transport industry, it is also the cornerstone and secret for the ever improving maritime and transport liability capability at SMIC.   Writing persistently on professional subjects for 17 years is daring. The publication is open to the trade and often attracts questions we have to answer.  It cannot be done without thorough understanding of the subject matter.    Useful loss prevention and claim handling knowledge can only be accumulated from repeated reading, listening, analyzing and proofing in the real world by real cases.  A true professional should not advise anyone with vague understanding of a subject.

At SMIC, we know we must improve our knowledge continuously to effectively advise on liability issues for the freight industry.  It is our mission to serve with commitment and caring heart to assist transport operators to gain an edge over their peers.

Feel free to check out the 200 issues of the Chans Advice at

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