The Montreal Convention is an international treaty agreed by 140 states in respect of governing carriers’ liability for injury or death of passengers, damage to or loss of baggage and cargo and losses caused by delays. Hong Kong has adopted it through the Carriage by Air Ordinance (Cap 500).
About the Chans Advice
The SMIC “Chans Advice” is a newsletter written with effort for the benefit of discerning transport operators who look for on going improvement in operations. The intention is that the publication may contribute to the overall elevation of active loss prevention consciousness among transport operators. What is better than sharing of important worth noting transport issues without costing a dime and too much time?

Readers are interested in the wide variety of transport issues covered by the “Chans Advice” featuring application of transport laws as interpreted by courts, claim case judgments, suggested ways of planning risk transfers, trends in the transport insurance market, and suggested operation procedures and loss prevention. The newsletter thus offers a convenient access to the otherwise difficult and time-consuming legal case studies and latest loss prevention news.
The “Chans Advice” fans are often senior management in the trade, claims handlers, insurance brokers, insurance companies, trade bodies, educational institutions, and all walks of society who are interested in liability issues in logistics, sea, air, road, rail multi-modal transports and in between transits cargo handlings.

The “Chans Advice” is also quoted in shipping magazines, recorded or redirected through hyperlinks in transport operator websites.