
SMIC aims to become the risk management consultant of choice for the growing logistics and transport operators in Greater China.

Our vision, strategic belief and company values direct us to do things that we

are perceived and recognized as specialized and dedicated transport liability insurance intermediary.

read with anticipation the Risk Management needs of the transport industry.

monitor insurance markets, maintain and expand insurers networks plus strong in-house claims knowledge such that the above needs of our clients are met.

set both insurance placing and claims services paradigms and revolutionize the transport insurance industry.

strive for on going advances of our core competences in transport operations, laws, claims handling, and loss prevention.

provide second to none one-stop risk management solutions in all areas for our core transport clients.

SMIC Seminars

We are the major transport and forwarder liability insurance broker in Hong Kong who loves to share our true claim experience for the benefit of the transport and logistics industry by organizing seminars.

1 day ago

Sun Mobility Insurance and Claims Services Limited
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We like to call for your thoughts on the following three types of claims:- 1. Theft of CargoImagine this: a USD 122,000 shipment gets stolen before it even reaches the consignee. This is exactly a recent case we handled. Our client faced a significant claim. Through meticulous investigation and forensic study on heaps of claim documents, we dismissed the claim by upholding a subtle difference that there was no contractual relationship between our client and the shipper and that the claims were time-barred. As a result, our client paid nothing. First seemed like a must-loss case, but our team sprang into action and turned this potential loss into a win, showcasing only skilful claims handling better protect a client.Reliable protection and support for your business is just a call away. Contact us today and let us stand by you every step of the way.2. Cargo MisdirectionPicture this: you instruct your subcontractor to hold a valuable shipment, but it gets misdirected to another country. Customs issues prevent the goods from being returned, leading to a significant claim. Our team negotiated tirelessly to reach a settlement where the subcontractor compensated the shipper, and our client paid nothing. Not only did we protect our client from a substantial financial loss, but we also ensured they were compensated for their legal costs.We know how stressful these situations can be. Our team worked diligently to resolve this case, ensuring our client was protected and supported throughout the process. If you need reliable protection and support for your business, feel free to contact us today. 3. Switch Bills of Lading for Loss of Original Bills of Lading?What would you do if the consignee loses the original B/L for a high-value shipment and urgently requests a switch B/L to transfer the goods to another party? Would you be tempted to say yes? Caution: Generally speaking, this would be impossible without the original document. But we stepped in with a risk-free solution pleasing all parties. the shipment reached its destination without further issues.The risks involved in such situations are hardly understood and often handled with a light heart. But the potential impact could be huge on your business. Our team is dedicated to providing effective loss prevention strategies and solutions to mitigate these risks. By thinking outside the box and leveraging our expertise, we ensure that our clients are protected, and their shipments are handled smoothly.Intrigued to know more? Or if you are facing a similar situation. Call us for a discussion. ... See MoreSee Less
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Thank you so much for your incredible support this year!Your trust and partnership mean the world to us, and we are honored to have had the opportunity to serve you. We hope the new year brings you joy, prosperity, and many wonderful moments. Wishing you and your loved ones a fantastic and successful year ahead.Happy New Year! ... See MoreSee Less
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Contact us
Address : 23/F, Excel Centre, 483A Castle Peak Road, Lai Chi Kok, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Tel : (852) 2299 5566
Fax : (852) 2866 7096
Email :
Work Hours : 9:00am to 6:00pm (Monday to Friday)
Simon Chan (852) 2299 5511
Carrie Chung (852) 2299 5539
George Cheung (852) 2299 5533
Richard Chan (852) 2299 5522
Celia To (852) 2299 5531
David Yip (852) 2299 5530
Olivia Cheung (852) 2299 5532
Ariel Keung (852) 2299 5527
Herbert Ho (852) 2299 5537
Lily Chan (852) 2299 5515
Carol Lam (852) 2299 5528
Mike Law (852) 2299 5512

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