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It was a long-awaited lunch mingling with IFB Far East Holdings Ltd and the SMIC team. IFB and SMIC have been in partnership for more than 2 decades. It was good to meet the IFB veterans and to meet its young leaders. At SMIC, there is always a human touch to ensure better rapport which is essential for better service provision. ... See MoreSee Less
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Often it is thought the liability of a forwarder/NVOC could be easily recovered from shipping lines. It is challenging. In the case of One Apus on 30/11/2020, forwarders insured via SMIC successfully avoided colossal claims. Most of the claims against SMIC-protected forwarders were skilfully time-barred. In one case, a USD 2,000,000 claim was reduced to US$1500. The good result did not come naturally without seasoned claims handling involving tactics to deal with claimants, timely protection of recovery against the actual carrier, ship arrest actions, securing P&I Club guarantees as backup and a global settlement agreement. Would you rather deal with the claims yourselves for 4 years or leave these hassles to professionals? ... See MoreSee Less
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地  址 : 香港九龙荔枝角青山道483A卓汇中心23楼
电  话 : (852) 2299 5566
传  真 : (852) 2866 7096
电  邮 : gm@smicsl.com
办公时间 : 早上9时至下午6时 (星期一至星期五)
陈 世 文 (852) 2299 5511
锺 丽 秋 (852) 2299 5539
张 健 恒 (852) 2299 5533
陈 国 荣 (852) 2802 9903
杜 佩 贤 (852) 2299 5531
叶 启 诚 (852) 2299 5530
张 家 仪 (852) 2299 5532
姜 巧 莹 (852) 2299 5527
何 耀 华 (852) 2299 5537
陈 蒨 莉 (852) 2299 5515
林 乐 儿 (852) 2299 5528
罗 嘉 麒 (852) 2299 5512

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