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Transport Risk
Forwarder Liability
Warehouse Operator

Feeder Liability
Depot Liability
The SMIC Insurance

The SMIC Insurance Edge

Transport Liability Insurance with SMIC comes with the following value added services.

Insurance is a passive back up. With proper transport document protection, you will always stay ahead of your peers.

Your liability insurance placed through SMIC has only just begun. As the first value added service, SMIC put determined efforts in reviewing your transport documents for free.

More likely than not, your transport documents may need to be updated. SMIC will review your documents based on lessons of the thousands of transport claim cases that we handled and from court cases. Once done, your freight forwarding, feeder, depot, warehouse operations will be better protected. What is more, we will constantly update those documents when required as long as you stay with us.

ICA - Insured Claims Assistance
Insurance bought stays there without giving you full protection if you don’t know how to use it. As another value added service, the SMIC claim team will assist you to handle insured claims for free and in professional and efficient manner. Why is this important? Without knowing how a claim is better handled, you may not be receiving efficient service from your insurer, you may also not knowing where your interest lies, and in the long run, you may end up paying even higher insurance costs, as ought not to be paid claims are paid. On the other hand, ought to be paid claims are delayed hence your customers will be upset.

PAOD - Prevention Advice On Demand
Knowledge dictates in a knowledge-based economy; Operator with better knowledge wins. The rules of the transport game and commercial acumen are key to a transport operator’s survival. SMIC brings the essence of international transport conventions and their applications in practice at your disposal, in the form of day to day consulting. This is another value added service to SMIC clients for free. Many hours of our daily work are spent in loss prevention, operational advices to our clients, rather than in business development.

SMIC Seminars
SMIC clients have priority reservation of our very popular public loss prevention seminars.

OCTRACS+ – Outside Cover Transport Claim plus Transport Contract Consultancy Service
No two insurances are the same, and all insurances carry deductibles or excesses. Similarly, no two transport operators are the same, other than generic HBL, HAWB, FCR, STC and various kinds of standard documents, transport operators in the modern world have to deal with far more individual logistics and transport contracts of different forms than ever before. Operators either have to hire costly lawyers to comment or just sign them blindly without knowing the transport liability quantum. OCTRACS+ aims at providing transport claim handling support for claims either outside the transport liability insurance or below the insurance deductibles, plus timely reviews and loss prevention comments for special logistics and transport agreements on transport liability issues, for the complete ease of mind of transport operators

SMIC truly understands transport operators do like to have full professional claims handling guidance. If needed, SMIC will correspond directly with the claimants, liable subcontractors, and other third parties related to the claim. Besides, they also have professional transport advisory for contracts with customers and subcontractors, saving them from treading into excessive liability.

This service carries an annual fee. OCTRACS+ is exclusively provided as a bundle when you place your transport liability insurance through SMIC. With OCTRACS+ your transport liability insurance will truly like no others. You not only can have total ease of mind but also your manpower freed from any claim handling for revenue generating activities.